Swatantrya Veer Savarkar Hit or Flop : Profit or Loss, Budget, Box Office Analysis, Total Collection and Final Verdict

Swatantrya Veer Savarkar Movie Hit or Flop - Profit or Loss, Box Office Detailed Analysis Total India Box Office Collection - Final Verdict for the film.

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Swatantra Veer Savarkar Movie All India Final Lifetime Collection is expected to end up at around 25 cr INR nett (29 cr INR Gross) in India, 0.5 crores Gross in Overseas.

Detailed Analysis and Profit/Loss of Swatantrya Veer Savarkar


Cost of Production 25 crores
Prints & Publicity 8 crores

 Total Budget - 33 crores

Total Box Office Recovery/Revenue Details

India Collection (Expected)25 cr nett (29 cr INR Gross)
India Distributors Share (Hindi)10 cr approx (B)
Overseas Collection (Expected)0.5 crore Gross
Overseas Distributors ShareNil (C)

   Total Worldwide Box Office Collection Gross : 27 crores

   Total Box Office Revenue (B + C) : 10 crores (D)

Total Non Theatrical Recovery/Revenue Details

Music Rights0.5 crores
Satellite Rights
 5 crores
Digital Rights
7.5 crores

Total Non Theatrical Recovery : 13 crores (E)

Final Economics

Total Box Office Revenue (B + C)
  10 crores (D)
Total Non Theatrical Recovery  13 crores (E)
Total Revenue (D+E)
  23 crores
Total Budget  33 crores
Total LOSS
  10 crores

Final Box Office Verdict - FLOP 

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